
Welcome to our website, which supports a badminton league operating in .

Whether already a member of a club or looking to find a club to join, this website should tell you all you need to know about the league, including details of all clubs registered.

As a Friendly league it is both our ethos and aim to encourage smaller clubs wishing to play competitive badminton in a friendly atmosphere.

Clubs already participating in the league may use this website to:

This league operates .

New Clubs are always welcome to join the league. Please complete and return this .

Currently we run one .

We also run three knock-out handicapped cup competitions and which are not shown on the website but organised directly through the Match Secretary .

For any other information please contact the Secretary

If you have any problems, find any bugs, or have suggestions to improve these web pages, do please contact Adrian (adrian.w.payne@gmail.com).